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Doris (RATKOWSKI) Karvonen


I have 4 children: Vicki, Shannon, Dhane and John and 4 grandchildren.  All are doing well.  My husband Lee is a high school teacher with all its challenges.  We are planning a move in 2005 to teach at an international school for a few years before retiring.  He took a semester off for stress leave and has now returned, somewhat refreshed.  High school certainly isn’t what it used to be.

Present activities:

I’m still involved with show production with Lee.  We are presently writing our second historical musical show for the McLean Mill Historical Site at Port Alberni.  We really enjoy presenting history through music.  I also continue to run my own business with Melaleuca.  We spend time traveling to visit family and friends and enjoy doing a lot of walking.  When I have a bit of spare time I try my hand at some art work, particularly with pastels and when I’m brave, oil paints.  I don’t know about talent, but I do have a lot of fun.

Some favourite memories:

I still have such fond memories of growing up in Nelson:

  • Lemon and cherry cokes at the Diamond Grill after school. (There is a wonderful book out now about the Diamond Grill)
  • Spending the summer days at Lakeside park
  • Riding the old streetcar
  • Yummy milkshakes at Waits
  • Celebrating May day with the Maypole dances at Hume School
  • Having gym classes on the top floor of Nelson High – and those noisy, rickety stairs that always felt like they were going to give way when you ran up or down them
  • There was always someone getting pushed off the sidewalk in front of the school into the skunk cabbages.

Ah! Such sweet memories.



This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell