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Vera (ARISHENKOFF) Karpiuk

I am now on my own having lost my husband 8 years ago as well as my sister and Mother all within a one and a half year timeframe...a devastating time. Happily, however, my two sons and their families live close by and there are two beloved grandchildren in the picture (one of whom is 10 months, walking AND WHISTLING!!) One son works for Alderwood as a systems engineer with computers and the other for Canada Safeway, again, with computers.

I worked in Nelson for the Forestry Service and a TB specialist and then "retired" to raise my sons and to volunteer in the community. Our family was transferred to Williams Lake and then to White Rock. I have enjoyed my flower and veggie garden and pool at my home for some 36 years. I did a lot of enjoyable community volunteering in support of my son's and my father's needs. Later, I worked full time for Elections BC, retiring when I reached the "golden card" year. I now look after the house and garden on my own, cherish my family, volunteer at the Hospital Auxiliary, and occasionally do paper tole and other crafts.



This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell