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Joan (MAWER) Howell


Kevin and I married 4 years ago.  Between us we have 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren (ranging from 22 years to 4 years).


Stayed home with my two girls for 18 years.  Worked at the Vancouver Aquarium for 4 years.  In 1976 opened my first business and three more until I settled down, and am still operating Echo’s Discontinued China and Antiques in North Vancouver.  The business is still growing, thanks to the internet and we ship discontinued china all over the world.  I’m still working part time and no plans to retire.  Fortunately have 10 staff who are very capable.  Our permanent home is in Halfmoon Bay (Sunshine Coast) and we have an apartment in North Vancouver mainly to work, eat and sleep.

Present Activities:

Golf, gardening, kayaking, the usual reading, etc.  The most recent time-consumer is the addition of two new puppies.  We do some traveling to somewhere warm in February, and usually Ireland every other year where Kevin was born.


Can’t wait to see everyone in Nelson in September.

Some of My Favourite Memories:

  • Suppers at Lakeside Park
  • Camp Koolaree
  • Miss McKenzie and Mr. Morley at Central School
  • Miss Apps praising the dress I made in Home Ec. (until she saw the inside mess!)
  • School dances
  • Skating on the lake
  • Groupies and fun at Lakeside Park
  • Badminton
  • Skiing with Sally on the Great Northern tracks
  • Pride in growing up in the greatest place – Nelson
  • Mrs. Blaylock informing Irene and Joan, “This is not a public park”


History of Echos China


Echo's china and Silver started in 1981 as an antique store. Joan Howell had recently sold her successful consignment clothing store in West Vancouver BC Canada and was excited about a new adventure in the antique and collectible market. It was 1981 when Echo's Antiques first opened its doors in North Vancouver. Unfortunately nobody can predict when a recession is going to hit and it did shortly after the business opened. As an independent single mother Joan was determined to make the business work. So with hard work, positive thinking and faith she made a go of it. She first started taking items in on consignment then looked to her "recipe box" for help. With no computers at the time a recipe box was where she kept information on customers wanting to buy and sell items. Noticing a fair amount of requests for discontinued china and silverware Joan quickly got busy and Echo’s Discontinued China and Silver was born. The business quickly expanded and several locations later it remains to this day at 1433 Lonsdale Ave North Vancouver BC Canada.

Joan still works in the shop several days a month with her daughter Kristen Oostindie who took over the shop in 2008 as well as many qualified staff members. Echo's now has computers, Facebook, Twitter, a Blog and online shopping. Both Mother and daughter love the business especially when they know the china and silver will be well used and continue to make family memories.



This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell