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As of July 14, 2009 here is our latest news:

Betty and I continue to enjoy good health and to travel.  In November 2008 we did a 14 day Holland America cruise from Auckland to Sydney.  We went early to Auckland and stayed in Sydney for a few days after the cruise.  In March, we went to Scottsdale, AZ for ten days and in June we visited Toronto for two weeks to see our son, daughter-in-law and our three grandchildren.

Our son, Robert, continues as head of corporate litigation for a large Toronto law firm.

His oldest son, Tim, graduated from Laurier University, then did a year of business studies and in September will be studying International Business in Toronto.

His second son, Steve, graduated from Queen’s in 2008 and planned to enter law school after doing a summer intern job in Ottawa.  He was asked to apply for a position on a one year contract.  Since he was just 22, he decided if he got the job he would put off law school for a year.  He was hired as a Special Assistant to the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff.  He has now been transferred to the Prime Minister’s office.  He has put off entering law school until 2010 for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Robert’s daughter, Rebecca, has just completed third year at Trinity Western in Langley, B.C.  For the summer she is working at RIM (Blackberry) in Waterloo, ON.

Our daughter, Liz, owns a health and beauty products company and employs 18 people.

Her oldest son, Kirk, will be returning in September for the third year of an EMSI diploma program at the Sauder School of Business, UBC.

Her second son, Mitchell, after finishing high school attended VanArts to study computer animation.  Since graduating, he has worked for Liz doing graphics.

Liz’s daughter, Maia, is just finishing grade 7 and will be going  to Magee Secondary School in September.  She has an exceptional voice and has had the lead in musicals at her school and in the community.  She is looking forward to the exceptional choral offerings at Magee.

En route to Nelson in September, we will drive to Spokane and visit my brother, Norman and on the return trip to Vancouver will visit my brother, George in Kelowna.


The disappearing act!

In the summer of 1949, our family moved to Vancouver.  Our parents moved the family there so that we would be closer to the University of B.C. where my older brother, Norman was already attending and my sister, Evelyn was about to enter.  After graduating from Magee Secondary School in 1954, I enrolled at UBC where I took Arts and teacher training.  Upon graduating, I taught for the Vancouver School Board at both the elementary and secondary levels.  Prior to graduating, I married Betty Coe in 1957.  Betty was a VGH graduate in Nursing and she continued to work there until the birth of our son, Robert in 1960.  We then had a daughter, Elizabeth in 1962.

Deciding on a life work:

We have had an interesting and enjoyable life.  After teaching for four years, we went to Berkeley, California where I took a degree in theology.  By the time that I finished the degree, I knew that teaching and not preaching was what I ought to pursue as a life work.  Having made that decision, I went on to earn a masters in Education and then received a doctorate from the University of Oregon.  Between earning the last two degrees, we spent a year in England on the Commonwealth Teacher Exchange program.  While there I taught Math and Geography in a secondary school.  It was a wonderful experience.  Our children attended school and they benefited greatly from that experience and from travel all around Europe.

In 1969, I was appointed as a Vice-Principal in Vancouver and by 1973, I was promoted to Principal.  Between these two events, we spent another year in England where I had the opportunity to study British Primary School methodology.  Robert attended a grammar school and Elizabeth returned to the same school that she had attended four year previously.  I served as Principal at Kerrisdale School for seven years and then transferred to Selkirk School for a year before being named as the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources for the Vancouver School Board in 1981.  After seven years, I served for two years as an Area Superintendent and then six months as Interim Superintendent.  In my final two years I served as Associate Superintendent of District Services.  I truly enjoyed the various positions that I held and had a challenging and exciting 33 years of educational service.


I retired in 1993, and since that time have taught Personnel Administration in the UBC Masters program, traveled the province doing workshops for administrator groups on decision-making, have done a number of special projects for the Vancouver School Board and volunteered to assist my son-in-law and daughter in their new businesses.  Betty and I also travel extensively.  In the past two years we have been to Beijing, Kenya, England, Toronto twice and done an east coast cruise.  Almost every other year since 1981 we have traveled to England where we have undertaken long distance walks (100 to 200 km).  Over a twenty-five year period, we have walked more that 2000 km. in England, Scotland and Wales.  This led to my writing a book on how to plan and undertake a self-directed walking vacation in Britain.  Just Walk It! was  published in 2000 and I have a web site where the book can be ordered.  To view the site, go to www.justwalkit.com

Our family:

Both Robert and Elizabeth have three children.  Robert graduated in Law from the University of Toronto and he is Head of Corporate Litigation for a Toronto law firm.  He and Pam have two boys and a girl.  Timothy is attending Laurier University and Stephen is attending Queens University.  Their sister, Rebecca is entering grade 11.  Elizabeth graduated from BCIT in Business Administration and she and her husband each have their own businesses.   Her oldest son, Kirk just graduated from Magee Secondary School and is attending Langara College to study business starting in September 2004.  Her second son, Mitchell is taking Grade 12 at Magee and their daughter, Maia is in Grade 3.   Over the years, we have spent a lot of time attending Saturday soccer games and school events in Vancouver and flying to Toronto for special occasions.

Favorite memories of Nelson:

I enjoyed hiking in the hills around Nelson and visiting the old mine sites.  A group of us hiked to the Silver King, the Athabaska mine and to the mines on Anderson Creek.  We hiked up Pulpit Rock and walked for miles along the Great Northern train tracks.  I remember Lakeside Park (where I was almost drowned) and Gyro Park.  Nelson was a wonderful place to grow up and I still think back to the good times and experiences that I had there.


Dr. Gerald James Staley

18 JUNE, 1933 – 15 JANUARY, 2022
Obituary of {subject.fullNameWithPrefixAndSuffix}
STALEY – Gerald James (Gerry), born June 18, 1933, Fort St. John, B.C.

Gerry went to be with his Lord on January 15, 2022. After 87 years of mostly good health, Gerry's health declined over the last year and, although fully vaccinated, he was ultimately taken by COVID-19.

Gerry is survived by Betty (Coe), his wife of 64 years, his son, Robert (Pamela), and daughter, Elizabeth (Mario), grandsons Timothy (Jennifer), Kirk, Stephen and Mitchell, and granddaughters Rebecca and Maia, and great-grandsons, Ashton and Colton. Gerry was predeceased by his sister, Evelyn, and survived by his brothers Norman, David (Lorna) and George (Shirley). He is also survived by nieces and nephews, Donna, Darlene, David, Lorne, Richard, Barbara, Pamela, Graeme and Julie.

For the positive attitude that he had toward life, and everything that he undertook, Gerry credited his faith and his Christian parents. He often said that he had never met a better Christian than his father.

From an early age Gerry was drawn to teaching. But would it be in a school or in a church? He prepared himself for both eventualities, but chose public education as his vocation and lay ministry as his avocation.

In 1957, Gerry married Betty Coe. Betty was a 1954 graduate of the VGH School of Nursing. Robert was born in 1960 and Elizabeth in 1962.

During the next decade, the family spent a year in Marin County, California, a year in Eugene, Oregon and two years living southwest of London, England, where Gerry taught in English schools under the Commonwealth Teacher Exchange Program.

During his world travels, Gerry earned four post-secondary degrees: a BEd from the University of British Columbia, a MRE from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, a MEd from Western Washington University, and a DEd from the University of Oregon.

Gerry's teaching career was with the Vancouver School Board. He taught in elementary and secondary schools and served as Principal of Kerrisdale and Selkirk schools. In 1981, he was appointed Associate Superintendent of Human Resources. After seven years, he served in three other positions: Area Superintendent, Interim Superintendent of Schools and Superintendent of District Services. Gerry retired in 1993 to spend time with his grandchildren.

Gerry took his family, professional and spiritual commitments seriously. He was devoted to his family and friends and to others, and worked tirelessly at everything that he undertook. Gerry was a "people person" and an encourager.

Gerry and Betty derived great satisfaction from the achievements of their son, Robert, a litigation partner at a law firm in Toronto, and their daughter, Elizabeth, the owner and CEO of her own skincare manufacturing company. Gerry was a long-time, enthusiastic volunteer in Elizabeth's business.

When Kirk, Mitchell and Maia played on Kerrisdale soccer teams, rain or shine, Gerry and Betty were there to cheer them on. And on Sunday afternoons, for more than 15 years, they spoke with Robert and Pamela, and their Toronto grandchildren, Timothy, Stephen and Rebecca, to keep up to date on events in their lives at work, school and sports.

Gerry and three friends from the VSB played handball at the Downtown Y for more than 25 years. He was known for telling “Gerry” jokes: corny, often not very funny (if at all), but G rated. He enjoyed humor and sought to bring laughter and a smile to others wherever he went.

Gerry was a member at Trinity Baptist Church, where he served on the Church Board, as Board Chair and on various committees. For 45 years, he taught an adult Bible class on Sunday mornings. After he retired, he served on the Board and then for six years as the Chair of the Board of Administration at Carey Theological College, UBC.

When his grandchildren from Toronto visited, they often asked Gerry to tell them stories about his younger years. This led to him write two illustrated books, with (more or less) true stories about his exploits. Creatively, the titles were "The Adventures of Our Grandfather" and "The Further Adventures of Our Grandfather". Thankfully, someone else was hired to do the illustrations.

Gerry and Betty were long distance walkers. They visited Britain on more than fifteen occasions to undertake walks in the hills, valleys and coastal regions in England, Scotland and Wales. On these National Pathways of 150km or longer they stayed overnight in B&B’s, guest houses and inns. To share their love of walking, Gerry wrote "Just Walk It!", a how-to book for planning a self-directed walking vacation in Britain.

When walking long distances became more challenging, Gerry and Betty started cruising. Their cruises; usually with close friends, included Alaska, Eastern Canada, the Caribbean, the Panama Canal, the Baltic, the Mediterranean, South Pacific and Asia.

In their later years, Gerry and Betty took great satisfaction in the career accomplishments of their six grandchildren. Gerry and Betty were blessed to have lived long enough to see the next generation firmly established, and being productive members of society, and to welcome two great-grandchildren.





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