NHS | Class of 1954 Logo


Alice (RONMARK) Graham


Husband – Bob; daughters – Barb and Kary who live in Kelowna and Victoria respectively.

Present Activities:

Exercise at the local “Y” and then tongue exercises at coffee afterwards.  Still make a few turns on downhill skis, garden in the summer and love to travel – China in May 2004.  We both like to cook and entertain.

Work Before Retirement:

CIBC for 7 years, at home for 12 years, then back to CIBC as a “loan arranger” until 1997.  I loved it.

Some Favourite Memories:

I think we were all lucky to grow up in the area and era we did.  City friends are often surprised that we still are interested in school friends.  Maybe it was because we knew the families – Moms, Dads, brothers, sisters.  We will stay in Price George because 30 years later this is home and having a sense of community is important.  Besides that – there’s good fishing in the area for Bob!  Our life, as an overview, has been good.  We look forward to seeing everyone in September.



This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell