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Doris (GRAVES) Orchard

 About My Family:

I moved to Vancouver Island 20 years ago and there I met my husband Don Orchard.  He is an attorney and is still active in his law firm of Orchard & Co.  I have a daughter and son-in-law living in Florida, a daughter in Winnipeg and a granddaughter in University.  Don’s two daughters and their husbands and 4 grandchildren live close to us on the Island.

 Present Activities:

We did ski and sail but have traded in our skis for golf clubs and our sail boat for a motor home.  I spend a lot of time at the golf course, I paint (mostly in water colours), I am a volunteer counsellor for newly diagnosed cancer patients (thru cancerconnection).  We spend part of the winter in S. California each year.

 Work Before Retirement:

I was in Real Estate for 25 years before retiring nearly 10 years ago.  At that time I sold my businesses but I still have tenants in our buildings and Don is still very much involved in his business – but mostly I play!!

 Memories of School:

I moved to Nelson just at the end of grade 9 so only attended High School in Nelson.  It was somewhat of a difficult time for me as my Dad had just died and our family dynamics and economics had changed dramatically.  I will always be so thankful that everyone made me feel so welcome and I quickly made some very close friends and that meant so much to me at that time.  There have been a lot of changes in my life and I have not kept in touch as much as I could have, so I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.

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