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With Sister Barbara at Graduation from University of Manitoba 2001

All of the images for David LESLIE are available at the bottom of the page.



My immediate family consists of two sons, Ian and Scott, and two grandchildren, Nat and Hailey, who are a great source of pride and pleasure. My very dear sister Barbara and I have become the very best of friends. In the face of extremely difficult circumstances, she has shown enormous courage and determination, which has served as an inspiration to her many friends and colleagues. My very caring and supportive partner, Maureen, has kept me on the not so straight and narrow since 1994.

Current Activities

Since retiring in 1993, I have worked as a volunteer with the RCMP, Revenue Canada (income tax returns for low income groups), and a veteran’s association. Sporting activities include curling, fitness training, and on rare occasions, downhill skiing. Since 1993, my principal activity has been upgrading my education. It started as a general interest activity with distance education courses at the University of Manitoba, but has evolved into my 'second career.' Graduating from the University of Manitoba in 2001 with a BA in history and political studies, I am now working on a post-baccalaureate diploma at Simon Fraser University. Being in a classroom with a group of very bright and hard working students is a great experience. It gives one great confidence in our country’s future, for I now realize just how difficult it is for them to juggle studies and part time work. They have earned my admiration and respect.

Career Highlights

My 38-year career as an infantry officer in the Canadian Armed Forces included service in Canada, Germany, Britain, Cyprus, the Middle East and Afghanistan and Pakistan. The challenges and frequent adrenaline rushes accompanying all my service, and especially that involving peacekeeping operations, made for a very rewarding and fulfilling career.

Favourite Memories

Memories of Central School, Trafalgar School, and Nelson High School are positive, and I share many of those expressed by other classmates. Memories of extra-curricular activities are equally positive: Waiting for a bottle to fall off the Columbia Bottling Works truck at the start of my Nelson Daily News route; finishing the route with Glenn Purdy by indulging in a Danish pastry at the Standard Café; skating and rink ratting at the Civic Centre; and working at Gelinas’ under the ever-watchful eye of Gene Nadeau.

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This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell