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Margaret Anne (PHILPOT) Pearson

 My Family:

Ken and I have four children.  They and their families are busy with their lives but we do see them quite often.  One daughter still lives in Kamloops which is nice.  Our son lives near Kaslo and the other two girls are at the Coast (Deep Cove and Bowen Island) – great places to visit.  We have seven grandchildren, ranging in age from infant to 13 years.

 Present Activities:

Various volunteer activities with church and the community – meet interesting people this way.  Moderate hiking and cross country skiing with a great group – my joints complain at times but this is so good for my mental health.  Occasional camping – lots of swimming and paddling in my little kayak on our numerous lakes and the river.  Gardening – still a favorite!  Reading - I belong to a nice book group.  Quilting, Aquafit and walking.  Movies and occasional plays and concerts.  Traveling as much as possible.

 Work Before Retirement:

Nursing in an intermediate care facility and later as an R.N. supervisor for Home Support.  Have been retired for ten years and love it.

 Some Favourite Memories:

  • Riding the North Shore bus, with Norm Hickman as a super driver
  • Swimming, beach parties and summer fun at Willow Point
  • Home Ec classes and some of the clothes we made and never wore (but I have used what I learned in those classes so much throughout my life)
  • School dances – some better than others, depending on who asked you to dance
  • Skipping Sr. Matric classes to go to a matinee of “On The Waterfront”
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