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Marion (ROLPH) Taylaur


Husband, Gurney; daughters: Mopilè (1969), Morenikè (1973) and Siobhan (1974).  Mopilè has lived in London, England for the past 5 years; prior to that she was living in Paris for 5 years.  Morenikè and Siobhan live together in Vancouver and both work in the city and travel every chance they get.  We have no sons-in-law yet and no grandchildren either but that would be a welcome addition if it ever happens.

 Life After the Family Grows Up:

With the girls having grown up and moved on, we decided it was time for us to make a change.  In 1995 we purchased (pre-construction) a condo in the West End of Vancouver and then we spent many weekends over the next two years going into Vancouver to watch the building grow from a hole in the ground to a 21 story high-rise.  On completion and after 26 years in our house in North Delta, we moved into our new condo in December 1997.  It was a bit of an adjustment moving from a house to an apartment (took about 5 minutes) but we have never looked back.  The biggest challenge was unloading the excesses accumulated by a family of five in the house over the 26 years.

 Present Activities:

We love the lifestyle living in the city with all the amenities, entertainment, leisure activities, etc. so close at hand.  We rarely use the car and enjoy walking to wherever we want to go.  Love the walk around the seawall of Stanley Park, or over to Granville Island and even just meandering through the residential area of the West End.  Living in a condo in the heart of the city is not for everyone, but it sure works for us.

We keep ourselves busy with hobbies, swimming, walking, volunteering, theatre productions, movies, musical events, etc. etc. etc. – so many activities going on in the city.  We also enjoy traveling.  Our favourite vacation is a cruise.  We enjoy the floating resort concept and the fact that we can unpack our suitcases and get moved from place to place without dragging the luggage behind us.  This year, however, we will forego the cruise and plan to spend about 3 weeks in the UK visiting family as well as a good bit of sightseeing in jolly old England.

 Work Before Retirement:

After 36 years of working for Metropolitan Life, I decided on early retirement, leaving in January 1997.  I love the freedom that retirement offers.  The best part is being able to plan my own day, not having someone else doing that for me.  Gurney followed me into retirement a few years later and both of us wish we could have retired sooner.

 Favourite Memories:

Nelson will always have a special place in my heart – because it’s my home town.  It has to be one of the most beautiful spots anywhere.  I don’t get back there very often, seems only when we have a high school reunion, but I always look forward to my visits there.

It’s hard for me to believe that it has been 50 years since we left high school, at least until I look in the mirror and the image I see confirms that yes, indeed, it is so, girl.  My, how time flies.  But, Life is Good!!

Look forward to seeing everyone in September.

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