NHS | Class of 1954 Logo


Peggy (OWEN) Swerdfeger

After high school I attended Victoria Normal School. I taught full-time at Salmo and Nelson. Married in 1958 and moved to Richmond in 1959 where I taught full-time until I started a family: three boys, born 1962, 1963, and 1965. Stayed on the teacher’s sub list until I started teaching Ceramics. That went on for 12 years. Went back to subbing until 1994.

From 1980 to 1986 we traveled internationally every six months with Vern’s work with Canadian Airlines. In 1991 it was time to retire and moved to Kaleden. We became active with the local recreation group, volunteering at the Hall and Beach. I also took up quilting at this time.

I acquired my ham radio license (VE7OML) in 2000. We are both active with the Canadian Airlines Retiree group and the Oliver and Penticton Amateur Radio Clubs. This summer we supplied communications for the Provincial Emergency Programme during the fires. My spare time is spent volunteering, gardening, sewing and entertaining our granddaughter during school breaks.



This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell