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Miscellaneous Photos (From school days and reunions)

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Reunion Fashion Show at the Jam Factory

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Reunion in the Elks Hall

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Alice and Verna Mae

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Alice and Dolly

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Arnie Sherwood

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Barbara Tilston

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The Bombers (year?)

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Bombers Rep Team 1953-54
Standing: Bill Phillips, Terry Elmes, Bob Byres, Coach Don McKinnon, Garth Strong, Paul Steadman
Kneeling: Bill Pearson, Settimo Zanon, Arnold Sherwood, Gary Beaton, Gordon Towhey
Missing: Lorne Loomer, Alf Farenholtz

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Bruce "Rusty" McKenzie

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Central School Grade 5

Row 1: Marian Paterson, Hazel Young, Shirley Johnson, Carol Dunbar, Joan Lind, Sylvia Shorthouse, Betty Duff, Geraldine Reynolds, Ann Bennett, Barbara Leslie
Row 2: Nancy Hlookoff, Joan Kerby, Maureen Bush, Peggy Owen, Jean Robinson, Mildred Mansfield, Sydney Swingler, Marylyn Waterer, Margaret Farenholtz, Sharon Addison
Row 3: Yvonne Jansen, Verna Mae Murphy, Jimmy Muir, John Longworth, Norman Hughes, Ronald Nelson, Johnny Farentz, Donny Nutter, Jimmy Love, Terry Stenson
Row 4: Gavin Anderson, Gordon Hall, Douglas Skilton, Ricky Lewis
Row 5: Billy Hyrniuk, Andy Miller, Lorne Loomer, Ray Hubert

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Junior High School Group

Front Row from left: Peggy Owen, Mary Kay Clark, Jean Robinson, Susan Swendson, Joan Mawer

Middle Row from left: Margaret Farenholtz, Barbara Tilston, Mildred Mansfield, Pat Parker, Marylyn Waterer, Sydney Swingler, ?

Back Row from left: Nancy Hlookoff, Sylvia Shorthouse, Verna Mae Murphy, Alice Bobier

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Jack Greenwood, Settimo Zanon, Dennis Suitor, Lorne Loomer

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Don Nutter and Norman Hughes

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Reversal Day

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Boat Trip at one of our reunions

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Pat Boyce on the accordian

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Shirley, Mildred and Maureen

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A memorable Sports Day Float

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Verna Mae, Susan and Maureen

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In front of the High School

Dorothy Barrett, Gerry Stevens, Barb McCandlish, Doris Graves, Sue Swendson

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Gerry Stevens

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Shirley Johnson

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Mary Kay Clark

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Barbara, Ruth, Alice, Dolly and Marylyn

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Alfred Farenholtz

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A typical bus trip

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Sally Butling and Jean Stringer

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A dance in the gym. Watch out for those posts!!

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Scott McIvor

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A vote on the construction of the new high school was to be held shortly after Hallowe'en (when goodwill towards young people would be LOW). Brilliant lights in our student government conceived a plan to "soap" Baker Street windows with a "Vote Yes" message. We slipped notes in all letter slots to assure business owners that we would return in the morning to clean the windows. The Daily News covered the activity. The referendum passed. Of course, we didn't get to use the new school but we left a legacy.

Photo left to right: Dorothy Foster, Mildred Mansfield, Marianne Swanson, Jimmy Elsner, Maureen Paterson, Alfred Fife, Gordon Ewing

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Jimmy Elsener and Lorne Loomer

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One of Alyse Mathisen's Great Birthday Parties

Standing: Sheila Paterson, Dona Spence, Elizabeth Sophonow, Alyse Mathisen, Doris Ratkowski, Joyce Stuart, Jeanne Davey
In Front: Donna Paterson, Noreen Spence

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Ladies and Gents

Dorothy Foster, Ruth Larson, Dona Spence, Marion Rolph, Elaine Bell, Alyse Mathisen, Phyliss Hillyard, Barbara Williams

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Mini-Reunion in Kamloops

From Left: Carol Zanon, Alf Farenholtz, Dave Leslie, Maureen Paterson, Jeanne (Davey) Senger, Margaret Ann (Philpot) Pearson, Settimo Zanon, Dona Spence, Christa Farenholtz

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Kids at lake side

From Left: Dona Spence, Mike Horswill, Bill Gibbon, Noreen Spence, Joan Gibbon, Bill Defoe, Bill Horswill

"Our parents too us every day for lessons from Ed Kelter"
(Note the old Lakeside Park Float

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Junior High School Graduation Class, June 1951

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This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell