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65th Sapphire Reunion 2019

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Back Row, from left: John Zarikoff, Bob Vance, John Moore, Margaret Farenholtz McRory, Gordon Halsey, David Leslie, Sheldon Hansen, Doug Skilton

 Middle Row, from left: Hazel Young Cumming, Pat Paker Sipley, Ruth Peachey Nuyens, Peggy Owen Swerdfeger, Doris Ratkowski Karvonen, Shirley Johnson Roberts, Maureen Paterson

Front row, seated: Sally Butling MacLean, Pat Walgren DeVries, Sydney Swingler Hall, Settimo Zanon, Sylvia Shorthouse Crooks, Jeanne Davey Senger, Barbara Tilston Spray, Alice Ronmark Graham

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Alice Ronmark Graham in conversation with a LVR student

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Carol Zanon, Shirley Johnson Roberts and Donna MacDonald, with 3 LVR students

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Dave Leslie in conversation with LVR students

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Lee and Doris Ratkowski Karvonen

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Jeanne Davey Senger

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Ruth Peachey Nuyens

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Pat Parker Sipley and Hazel Young Cumming

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John and Helen Zarikoff

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Sheldon and Bev Hansen

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John Moore, Donna MacDonald (our Nelson Ambassador) and Settimo Zanon

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Carol Zanon, Sally Butling MacLean and Marg Farenholtz McRory

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Peggy Owen Swerdfeger

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Pat Walgren Devries and Alice Ronmark Graham

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Sydney Swingler Hall and granddaughter Kristen Bystrom

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Doug and Virginia Skilton

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Doris and Lee Karvonen, entertaining at the banquet

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Bob and Sharon Vance

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Gordon and Phyllis Halsey, with John Moore

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Sylvia Shorthouse Crooks, in conversation with LVR Rogers students

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Hazel Young Cumming, with brother Ray Young

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David Leslie and Maureen Paterson

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West Kelowna Reunion Planning Committee: Settimo Zanon, Jeanne Senger, Doris and Lee Karvonen

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Bob Vance talks to students

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Doris Karvonen

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Doug Skilton, in conversation with a student

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Hazel Cumming

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Marg McRory

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L.V. Rogers principal Tamara, Mayor Dooley, Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon and sponsors

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Ezra and Barb Spray, John Zarikoff and Doug Skilton, with student

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Marg McRory, Lee Karvonen, John Moore and Pat DeVries, with student

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Classmates, LV Rogers students, and guests at the Intergenerational Breakfast

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Our classmates, at the water's edge, Prestige Resort



This web site made possible by: Sylvia Crooks, Settimo Zanon, Sally MacLean and Joan Howell